The Leviticus (formerly Exodus) Collective are a Luton based Sound System and Social Movement who see ‘Leaving Babylon’ as re-building our community on the principles of oneness, sharing and co-operation, instead of those of greed, competition and hoarding which underpin the ‘Babylon System’.

So we re-claim disused lands and properties in our town to create our own tribal dances, free festivals, workplaces and homes... building an alternative ‘way of life’ in our home town of Luton. So if you are into spiritual change making in your community, come join us and many others who are doing the same thing all over the world... the Movement of JAH People.

“It's simple, because it is the people... fighting for and claiming what remains... and dreaming? This is not dreaming...this is the exodus from 'the game'... dance beneath the stars... we the sound system... we the collective... with an open heart... we the solution should be respected"
The Levellers


“I am here to bring a message so that those who have the ears to hear the message will then do
what needs to be done”

Bob Marley when releasing his album ‘Exodus- Movement of JAH people’ in London

Leviticus is a collective of like minded people, mainly from Luton in Bedfordshire, who come together to:

Stage community music & arts events, tribal dance parties and free festivals
Launch or support campaigns to make Luton, the UK and The World a better place to live
Be the change we want to see in the world’ rather than just talking about it

Leviticus SoulJAH’s

We are all committed volunteers with more than enuff skills, talents and resources between us to make these events and campaigns happen. Everybody who is involved - stage crews, DJs, MCs, performers, stewards, sound & lighting engineers, litter pickers, car park crew, bar staff, cafe crew – all contribute their time and energy ‘for love not money’ as their contribution to making our events open and accessible to everybody who wants to join in - regardless of how much money a person has got or hasn’t got.


All funds raised at our events are counted and presented to monthly meetings, where all who are involved can decide next steps, what to do with the money, where we are going to play in the future etc.